Child of Darkness (The Federal Witch Book 8) Read online
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Looking up at the ceiling Kassandra blinked a couple of times. When she looked down, there were tears falling from her eyes. “She believes what she has is real. As will others.”
Fitzgerald stood suddenly. Robert Moore went into a fighting stance, a short sword appearing in his hand like Magick.
“Relax,” Fitz said to him while he kept his eyes on Marcella. “What’s to stop you from releasing these items, anyway?”
“My word.” Marcella stared intently at the Witches Council members. “Unlike some, my word means a great deal to others. I can have them couriered to you if you like, or you can take my word that I destroyed them.”
“Fitzgerald! Sit down,” Bethany ordered. “We’ll take your little deal. I want your oath that you will have these ‘things’ destroyed.” She paused and looked around the room. “You and I used to have an understanding, Marcella. By doing this, all bets are off. Do you understand me?”
“I do. I won’t interfere, but believe me when I tell you she won’t do it. I raised Agatha to be much smarter than her parents,” Marcella replied cryptically. “Administer the oath.”
Words were said by both women as each of them swore by secret Gods and Powers.
“It’s done then. Leave!” The hooded woman motioned toward the exit portal.
“Of course. Robert?” Marcella gestured toward the Alpha shifter.
Robert sheathed his sword and stood up straight. Without looking back, he preceded Marcella from the room.
“Monty? You might want to read your spells ever so carefully for this one. We don’t want any accidents happening now, do we?” Marcella commented as she left the room. Montgomery had been one of Agatha’s teachers and the primary reason she’d accidentally created the Jackalope creatures.
All the members of the Witches Council watched as they left. Montgomery was fuming and turned on his leader. “Why did you agree? She’s insane!”
Kassandra grabbed his arm again but he yanked it away. “And you! Why are you supporting her in this?”
“Calm yourself Montgomery. It was necessary. Kassandra could explain it but you, Fitz, Ray, and Katherine have a storm to stop. Rope in as many associates as you feel are necessary for the task. Drain them if you must,” Bethany instructed.
Montgomery fumed, “I don’t believe you! We’re playing right into her hands here? Who cares about a storm when we are about to make the biggest deal of our lives? When the Dragons come, we will be the rulers of all this rabble.”
Lightning flashed and orange sparks shot from where Bethany’s eyes should be behind her veil, “Montgomery, you idiot! Shut up!”
Thunder rumbled in the room as an orange corona formed around the Chief Councilor. “Loose lips sink ships. Have you swept the room yet?”
Fitz shook his head but produced a wand from thin air and began his search.
“If you doomed this project, Montgomery, I will feed you feet first into the maw of the first guest to visit! Is that understood? Now go stop a storm,” Bethany directed.
Marcella looked up from her scrying bowl. Using the television left in the room she had been able to see and hear everything the Witches Council discussed. Using the chunk of human tech had been an inspired idea. She would have to discuss it with her own Coven. “It’s confirmed then.”
“Yes Milady, it is. Should I inform the others?” Robert asked.
“Not yet. They knew my plans and what would happen. For the moment, we have an edge over the inevitable. Agatha will take care of the Demon problem for us. She’s the key to all of this. I’m not sure how yet, though,” Marcella replied.
Robert nodded. “Do you intend to warn her?”
“From what? We know they are trying to enter our world, but exactly how is still up in the air. Portals don’t grow on trees. She’s safe not knowing. For now. Marcella explained.
“May I ask something?” Robert asked.
Marcella looked up into his eyes. “I can guess. Bethany is… there was an accident. She and I negotiated a deal almost twenty years ago. You might say I blackmailed her into protecting someone. With the destruction of a certain item, that protection is now diminished.”
“I understand. My daughter will just have to take up the slack and protect her then. Forget I even asked.” Robert said.
“What do we know about this thing?” President Lawrence Talbot asked his advisors.
“It’s the largest tornado on record, sir. Our meteorologists can’t figure out why it’s still growing. Magic is the only reason they’re giving now. Something the Demons inflicted upon us,” the science advisor replied.
Vice President Paul Montfort shook his head. “Demons don’t use Magic. We learned that during the last war. This was inflicted upon us by someone who is able to use it offensively. Like a Witch, Wizard, or Mage. I’ve asked Thomas Hutter over at the OSS to look into this. It could be an act of terrorism inflicted upon us when our finest fighting units are otherwise engaged. It’s like I’ve been saying all along, Lawrence, we need more oversight with these people. Do we even know how the Demons were raised in Sicily?”
The president turned toward his second in command and frowned. “Can you send that report on Demons to my office? It wasn’t included with my briefing papers.”
“Of course, sir. One of your predecessors, Huey P. Long had the report prepared by J. Edgar Hoover. You might not know this, but the military ran tests on most of the paranormal species in the 1920’s and 1930’s. The generals at the time wanted to know how powerful they were and what it would take to kill them. Similar tests were run in the early 1950’s on Demons,” Montfort replied.
“Sir, those reports are ancient history. My department has up-to-date files that I can have sent over for your perusal,” the science advisor explained.
President Talbot held up his hand, shutting him down. “Does the OSS have any suspects yet?”
“We only have one Magical Paranormal in government service and she was in Tennessee on a case when the events happened. Director Hutter tells me that the Blackmore girl is under surveillance regardless. He and his investigators believe it might be someone from SOCOM or the strike force that dropped the bomb. They were human, but some few of us have Magick as well. I will stay up to date on the investigation,” Monfort promised.
President Talbot drummed his fingers on the desk for a moment, then looked directly at the vice president. “When you talk to Hutter, have him read you into the Arcane project file. If he needs authorization, have him contact my office. Good work, Paul. Keep me informed.”
The vice president smiled to himself as his boss walked away. He was already aware of the Arcane project but now he ‘officially’ knew about it. Everything was falling into place. It wouldn’t be all that much longer. Soon, humans would rise and send the paranormal abominations back to wherever they came from. The Hammer would see that they either stayed there or died. Pulling out his secure phone he dialed a number. “It’s done.”
“Did you clue him into Hutter’s reports as instructed?” The voice on the other end of the phone asked.
“Of course. Matheis, I do know how to do my job,” the vice president answered.
“Do you wish to remain our Master of Intelligence? If so, you will refrain from using MY REAL NAME! As far as the world knows, Matheis Offenberg no longer exists. You will refer to me as Grand Master or not at all. Do I make myself clear?” The grand master yelled.
“Sir. You are clear. Would you like the rest of my report now, or shall I meet you in chambers?” Montfort asked.
“What else is there?” Matheis asked.
“One of our sleeper Agents has reported in. He had contact with Rawlings and his subject. Historical content concerning Demons, Portals, and Gates was passed along as well as possible infractions. We may have a way to shut the subject down for good, sir.” Montfort reported.
“Good. See if you can make contact with Rawlings for his full report. If we’re going t
o war, we have to have ammunition. Good work. The Hammer will rise.” Matheis disconnected the phone.
Vice President Paul Montfort repeated the phrase under his breath. He was kicking himself for calling the grand master by his real name. As VP, he was privileged to know many secrets, but his relationship with the Hammer had expanded on that. If America was to overcome those who held it back, every scrap of information was necessary. When and only when everything was in place would they be in a position to strike. America needed someone to blame, and the Hammer was going to give it to them on a silver platter. It was too bad that Matheis wasn’t a director with the FBI any longer. Information from that side of the fence might be helpful.
“Are you completely sure that she is who you say she is?” Oyabun Hoshi asked.
The man bowed awkwardly in front of the Japanese Yakuza boss. “She was born to Teegan Blackmore in the town of Briarwood.”
Hoshi shifted on his throne and glared at the Gaijin. He was wearing nondescript clothing and didn’t appear to have even bothered to bath first. The very presence of him soiled the hall. “Kenji, otherwise known as Ken or one of his other alias is not to be discussed among us. Why dare to bring this to me now?”
The messenger groveled even lower before the throne. “She has great power. They say she might rival Seimei in power.”
Hoshi looked toward his saiko-komon, his advisor. Howard Gami looked back at him with a raised eyebrow. Seimei, otherwise known as Abe no Seimei was Japan’s greatest Sorcerer. His power was legendary. So much so that ballads and plays were still being written about him. Humans looked at him in awe and those in the know, the true Paranormals of Nippon, revered him.
Nodding, Hoshi looked down at the human at his feet. “Take him away and interrogate him. I want to know everything, and I do mean everything about this girl and her existing family. If possible, I want her observed and studied. She could be the key we’ve been searching for and a family connection might just make her ours.”
“The human?” Gami asked.
“Lots of holes in the ocean,” Hoshi replied.
Hoshi wove his fingers together in thought. There was a fantastic treasure just waiting for the one who could claim it, but only a power could get to it. His clan had tried for centuries to penetrate the veil and wake the sleeper. Maybe this was the way a way inside. He was bound by tradition and blood to try.
Chapter 5
Our original flight plan had us landing not at Charleston International but in Mount Pleasant, the small town across the bay from downtown Charleston. Highway and traffic wise, it would have been much quicker to hook up with the FBI surveillance teams and confront Camilla. Having this family feud of ours end would’ve been a good thing. Except now Charleston was crawling with Demons!
“Are you seeing this?” Cat pointed out the side window of the plane at the Demons.
I peered out the windows at the small airport runway. Imps and Demon Bats were racing across the field toward both our plane and the very small terminal. Both bracelets flared to life at the sight. Concentrating, I waved my hand and put up a shield around the plane. “This should keep them out for a little while. That answers the question of whether or not Camilla was responsible for Sicily.”
Chuck snorted. “Ya think?”
The Imps were growling and screaming as they hit the invisible wall. More than three dozen were already beating their clawed hands against my spell.
Cat popped open the storage boxes and started pulling out all our gear. “How long will your shield hold?”
“I’m not sure. I used personal energy for that one instead of a constructed spell. As more and more Demons pile onto it, the energy drain for me grows.” I reached out and took my tactical bag from her.
“Then we need to hurry.” Cat looked toward Cliff and the two pilots. All three of them were standing near the door. “Do any of you have survival or combat training?”
Cliff stared in shock at her and then surprisingly looked at Blake. For some reason that bothered me. “I, uh, used to be in the army.”
Cat smiled. “Great! What was your MOS?”
Cliff blushed and looked down at the floor. “420C.”
“Four twenty? Is that armored vehicles?” Cat asked.
Cliff’s face actually got redder. “Band leader. I was the conductor for the base’s marching band. I did go through basic and know how to shoot.”
“We were both in the Army Air Corps,” Tom replied. “Jack over there was a fighter pilot. I flew cargo.”
“Basic instruction it is then. We have a mission to accomplish but we’ll still need a way out. If we arm you, can you hold the plane?” Cat asked.
I turned away from Cat and her instructions. Having a way out would be nice if this all went to hell. What was Camilla thinking, raising this many Demons? If they hadn’t eaten her yet, the Witches Council would. All chances of talking were over now. I had to either kill her again or bring her in. Concentrating, I reinforced the shields. I couldn’t hold up too much longer. My strength would be needed in the city.
“Tap into me, Agatha,” Fergus’s voice came up to me from the seat. I looked down and he was staring up at me.
“You need your power just as much as I do,” I replied.
Fergus shook his head. “I’m connected to the ley lines in a way you cannot ever be. Take my energy.”
Before I could ask what he meant, there was a sort of handshake and it was like touching a live wire. I was recharged in a heartbeat. “What the hell was that?”
“No idea what you’re saying right now,” Fergus replied.
“One of these days, little man. You wait, one of these days we’re going to have a long and serious talk about Magick and your place in it. Thank you, Fergus,” I said. He was a rascal, but my best friend in the world.
“You’re welcome. Do we really have to ride with the stinky cat people?” he asked as I scooped him up. He allowed me to slip him into my reinforced front shirt pocket. I remembered all the shirts he destroyed with his hooves and horn before Minerva had the foresight to sew in canvas backings on them.
“Those cat people, as you call them, are the ones that went to great lengths to get you that nice new barn after yours was destroyed. You never even said thank you to Chuck for all the work he did on it. Painting the small rooms and adding solar power was pretty nice of him, don’t you think? This is a team and we have a mission. Either try and play nice or just roll with it. Ok?” I asked.
“It doesn’t go moo,” Fergus replied.
“What?” Sometimes he was very confusing.
“The door. It doesn’t make a moo noise like the old one,” Fergus explained.
I chuckled. Unicorns. “If you ask Chuck nicely he might be able to fix it, but not right now. Let’s get past the Demons first.”
The man in question smiled at me. Chuck and his all-hearing ears. He reached out and handed me a tactical rig and small backpack. We might have to hoof it on foot.
“Thanks, Chuck. What sort of load out did you give me?” I asked.
Chuck ticked off a list on his fingers, “MRE’s, extra water, ammo for your guns, Unicorn food, and extra comms gear. Cat and I will carry the lion’s share of things.”
I peered at his extra-large military pack and combat rifle. His pistol and knives were already on his belt. As Weres, both my team members were much stronger than a normal human. Four times as strong, actually. In battle mode, their cat creature forms had their own weapons, but that form had limits just like humans did. Better to save the surprises for later. “Wouldn’t that be the sabertooth share?”
“Only for me,” Cat called.
Looking past Chuck, I could see her shouldering a sizable pack on her short form and loading her twin matching 1911s. As FBI Agents, we were supposed to use Glocks or whatever standard weapon our Division required. Since I was in charge, I left that up to each Agent to decide. Bill had been old school with his revolvers. Blake had a Glock. To each his
“We all set?” I asked.
There were nods all around. Cat spoke up. “We dug into the plane’s armory and outfitted the crew. They will attempt to hold here for forty-eight hours. After that, we’re on our own.”
All three men were strapping on poorly-fitted police body armor and examining the pistols and single rifle. I said a short prayer to Ares that they didn’t shoot their eye out. They may have been prior service, but it didn’t show.
“Transportation?” I asked.
“There’s what looks like an airport shuttle bus out there, as well as one of those luggage cart things. Your choice, Agatha,” Chuck answered.
That brought a smile to my face, “I know you want to drive the luggage cart Chuck. But we’ll take the bus. Fergus gave me a small recharge and I think I can get us over there easily.”
“When the shield goes down, the Demons will attack you. Are you guys ready to deal with that?” I asked the flight crew.
Jack peered out the window looking both left and right before answering me. “There’s an open-ended hanger to the left of us that I might be able to get the plane into. If you can draw them off us, we might have more of a chance.”
I looked to where he was pointing and nodded. “We can try. My advice, if you make it, is to close all the blinds and doors and pretend you’re empty. They don’t seem to be going into buildings or cars, yet.”
With the flight crew squared away as best we could, Chuck cracked open the doorway of the plane. There weren’t any stairs, but a full grown Were can jump more than thirty feet without issue. His carbine at the ready, he scanned the area around the plane before opening the door all the way. “It looks clear.”
Taking a step out into the air, Chuck dropped to the tarmac like someone stepping out onto their back porch. He calmly slipped his carbine off his shoulder and took a battle stance continually scanning the area. Catherine slung her pack over her shoulder and blew a kiss toward the flight crew. Smiling, she took a step backward off the edge. I didn’t need to lean out to see what happened to her because I knew. She did a backflip and landed in what Chuck likes to call a ‘superhero’ pose. Basically in a crouch, with the fingers of her right hand touching the ground. It looked cool but was actually practical. She could do a fast draw on her guns or spring into action like a runner starting out. “Blake, you’re next.”