Chronicles of Athena Lee Page 4
“He came from the PPL Jiro, sir, an experimental program. I found him when I stripped the ship. He saved me from losing my mind out here. He is the station AI now. He controls all essential systems and controls, except weapons.”
“Wilson wouldn't have scanned and hacked Captain Carvers ships recently?”
“Yes, Admiral he did. I had to have information. His security wasn't very good. It took seconds to strip his data-banks.”
“Athena, please refrain from doing that to MY ship, please. The captain was not very happy when his techs discovered the intrusion. It's not a good day to be a security officer over there right now.”
Completing the tour of the station, I escorted the group to my meeting room. My very small meeting room. Mr Hedley was still in conference with Wilson pointing at one part of the station or another.
“Athena, we are impressed. You showed great survival skills to build all of this. Most officers would have just used the asteroid base and be done with it.”
“Well sir, I could have done that but the base wasn't finished when I took over. Only the engineering section was airtight, the rest we were still working on. But construction drones work fast if given the correct materials.”
“It is still an excellent achievement. Which brings us to the meat of the problem. What to do about you? Do you wish to remain in the Navy?”
That was not a question that I was expecting. Remain? Wow, continuing my career was not something that I had considered.
“Something to think about Athena. I will tell you that there are a great many people back at Fleet headquarters that want to pick your brain about a great many things.
Plan on joining us on my ship tomorrow. Bring everything that you want to take with you.”
The Admiral gave a once over look. “Fleet command wishes to keep your Station, Firefly is it? Bring transfer protocols and codes with you please. My shuttle will return at 0900 hours bringing a caretaker crew. Be ready for that.”
As we finished our conversation, there was laughter from outside the room. Engineer Hedley was laughing about something.
“Wilson! What in the hell are you telling that man!”
Still laughing the engineer turned to me “ remind me to never let you design a kitchen unit ensign.”
Feeling my cheeks warm up I asked “Wilson, just what ELSE have you told him?”
True to her word, the admiral sent a shuttle to pick me up. I didn’t have much to pack. Just some uniforms and a few keepsakes I designed myself, over the years.
A small three person team was to be left on the station. I gave them the basic tour and opened up the computer files for them. I ‘forgot’ to mention the escape plan but they would find it, eventually.
Wilson, left his clone in place to run things. He is coming with me. He stayed in my link and made himself at home. He keeps saying that he needs to watch out for me. That and something about driving me around. He is such a weirdo.
I boarded the EOH ship and was immediately placed in a small security cabin.
Technically I am still an enemy combatant. I am allowed to explore most of the ship, but I have to take my security escort with me.
We will dock at Fleet headquarters in less that 36 hours and then a new adventure will begin.
I hope I'm ready for it. I know that they won't be.
Just wait till they meet us!
Engineering Murder
T S Paul
Chapter 1
“I’ve changed my mind about boredom. Being trapped in a small, very small, officers quarters is way more boring than being stuck alone for 15 years. Or at least it seems that way to me!”
At least I had been rescued. Although, technically, I was still at war with these folks. I sort of did attack them and cause a ship to explode killing the crew. Because of all that, I was being treated as an enemy combatant. It is better than prison though.
So much for my first tour of duty. Here’s what happened.
During my first deployment we were attacked, the fleet destroyed, I survived. While trying to survive, I built defenses and a small space station. A survey patrol encountered my station fifteen years later.
I did not believe who they were and a ship was destroyed with all hands lost. The great war that I had fought in has been over for a long time.
Nobody had told me that!
I sort of surrendered. Now I was on my way to stand trial or something.
Should be interesting in a twisted sort of way. At least there is snacks.
Still the boredom.
Officially, they won’t let me have any books. That whole enemy thing. I have two escort guards outside, but other than the observation deck and the mess hall, I don’t get to go anywhere. That includes the engineering library.
Unofficially, I have my own ace in the hole. I was allowed to keep my personal tablet. I already have reams of books and technical manuals. Hidden inside my link in my head is who has become own personal AI. Wilson.
Wilson is a Artificial intelligence created by the former Pan-Pacific League. He was the prototype for the AI’s that most navies use today. His creator modeled his personality on a 20th century vid star. He latched on to me after the big battle that got me lost for 15 years. He’s kind of goofy.
I let the Admiral and his staff believe that I left Wilson back on the Firefly station. He left a clone in his place, a dumb one according to him. Wilson told me that he needed to be there to ‘drive me around’ or something. Not sure what he means. So, he is officially a stowaway.
I’m not a hacker, not even a little bit. I am about the farthest you can get from a computer programmer and still be able to use a computer. Wilson like to help me out. He cracked the ships systems to got me some me updated books and tech manuals to read.
I am still trying to understand these people that have ‘captured’ me. They tell me that my old Navy the PPL joined with its mortal enemy the AA and formed an Empire. I don’t understand that at all. Still trying to wrap my brain around it. Wilson has been getting me news reports and such but it is all out-of-context so I don’t really understand it all. I really need to just see things for myself. Kind of hard when I’m a prisoner.
All these tech manuals have shown me that there is lots of new and improved technology and I just can’t wait to get my hands on it! Some of the new ship designs, like the one I’m on right now, just make my hands itch. It’s an engineer thing. Unfortunately I’m not allowed in engineering to check things out. That whole enemy thing again. They can come and see me though. Apparently, like a vid-star, I now have fans.
I really didn’t do anything, that any good engineer would not have been able to do, given the time and materials.
Spending my days in confinement is starting to get old. There is a daily bright light though.
Finally, a chance to get out of here for a walk.
It's lunch time in the mess hall and my escorts are here. Wilson likes to call them Turner and Hooch. He says its because “Hooch” looks like a pit bull. I have no idea of their real names. To me a guard is guard. For some reason I am always brought into the mess hall through the main entrance. I never get to go through the more interesting back way. Did they think the PPL did not have kitchens. The one here must be Top Secret as much trouble they go through to keep me out. The cooks and wait staff were not on my list of approved contacts. My escorts always have to order for me.
I ate my soy burger in peace as my escorts guarded my table. T&H never eat and they never seem to talk. I’m starting to think they might be robots.
Following our normal routine we walked to the observation deck. I was allowed to gaze at the stars and exercise by walking, for thirty minutes. We then had the usual silent trip back to my cell. The first couple of days I tried to talk to T&H but, keeping with the robot theme they don’t speak at all. At least not to me.
Only a few more days until we arrive at Naval HQ. Hopefully they have my hearing or trial or something, soon after. Admiral Kane's staf
f was waiting for me when my exercise period was completed. They were going to “brief” me on what was to happen when we reached the base.
“Houston, we have a Problem.” said Wilson in my ear.
“What is going on, just what you done now?”
“I hacked the Admiral's Chief of staffs; network and it seems that part of Command HQ is not going to go along with the promise that Kane made to you. They are going to prosecute you and lock you up!”
Hiding my expression from the guards, I sub-vocalized, “They can't do that can they? I'm not part of their military. Technically, I represent a hostile power.”
“Well it seems that they are trying to say that because the PPL was dissolved and incorporated into the EOH that they can do just that.” Frakk It. Legalese, another thing I'm not good at. That's why we have computers.
“Wilson, what are my options?”
“We need some political force on our side. From what I have found floating around inside the data-banks, complete national identity has not yet been achieved. Disregard what you may have been told. There is still a lot of PPL pride to be found on the old member planets. Guess what, those folks have NOT been told about the recent events in the Diablo sector. If you authorize me, I think we should tell those people all about it! Time to make you a Hero Ensign.”
“Wilson, don't tell me that. That is the last thing that I want. I really hate politics.”
“Ensign Lee, my name is Lt Commander Smith, I am the Admiral's legal attache. I regret to inform you that you will stand for formal charges of Mutiny, desertion in the face of the enemy, insubordination, and murder when we dock. Any deals that the Admiral has made with you are now Null and void by order of Governor John Wayne Buckley, sector 12 governor of the Empire of Humanity.”
“Commander, can he do that? I'm not in your military. Hell, I was declared dead for the last fifteen years. How does being left alone in a far off sector by your own military become desertion?”
“Ensign, the Admiral and I think that this is in retaliation for Captain Buckley's death. The captain was the Governor's nephew. Unless something happens to change things, you are going to stand trial.”
After the lawyers left, all I could think was that this day just went from bad to way, way worse. Crap! I seemed to me that most of the charges were utter BS. The murder charge though, because the war was over...that one might stick. So much for me trying to be friends.
“Ensign, let me contact the Senate and inform them about the railroad job that this Governor is doing to you.”
Cocking my head to one side, I replied “ railroad? Whats a railroad? Oh, you mean the false charges?” Actually that is a really good idea.
“Send them a full report include whatever dirt you can dig up about these false charges.”
They want a war, they are going to get a war!
Chapter 2
With my impending arrest approaching, security added some more guards to my entourage. They also moved my accommodations to the brig. My cramped little room got bigger, but it’s now under 24 hour surveillance.My nice soft bed is gone along with my privacy. Maybe I should have just taken out that fleet and stayed on my station!
I sat in the brig for a full day before the Admiral came to see me.
“Athena, I'm sorry.” She really did look sorry.
I just glared at her.
“I don't have the power to override the sector governor. I have sent requests up the chain of command, but it will take time. Governor Buckley is pushing hard for a Court martial.”
“Court Martial? Admiral, I am not in your chain of command! He can't legally do this.”
Sighing the Admiral replied “ He is the only law that matters in this sector. He can do whatever he wants to.”
“Admiral I don't think I like this new society that you people have created. In the old PPL those in charge were held accountable to the people. We didn’t have dictators who would not follow the rule of law.”
Pacing the room, the Admiral turned to me “ both my legal staff and I believe that this is revenge for his nephew. We will try to help as much as possible but our hands are tied.”
I spent the day reviewing the rules of court martial and POW treatment. I think that the Governor is a bit ignorant of his own law. The Admiral said court martial; their own regulations say they can't do that to a POW. They would have to convene a military tribunal in order to bring accusations of war crimes against me.
I awoke from my sleep, when the ship shuddered.
We were docking.
Rising, I glared at the camera taking care of my morning rituals. I decided to put on a dress uniform. No reason not to look as neat and as military as possible. I gathered my things and prepared to leave.
Station security had sent a full detachment for me.
“Prisoner Lee, stand away from the door!” shouted the large security officer.
I stepped back and resumed standing at attention. The door burst open, two large burly goons grabbed me, and manhandled me out of the cell. I heard cries of “hey, treat her with respect” and “shes not a criminal” coming from Turner and Hooch. Wow, they can speak!
“I have my orders, she is my prisoner now, move out of the way!”
The station security chief was very curt with ships security. His goon squad pushed the shipboard guards out of the way and put me their version of 'irons'. Security bracelets over my wrists, anklets secured with high voltage cables to a belt at my waist. You would think that I was a serial killer or something.
The goons smashed my tablet on the ground and kicked it along with my things into the corner. “You get nothing like this in our cells prisoner” they said.
Sub-vocalizing, I said “ Wilson, make sure you keep copies of all surveillance on me from now on, especially on this station.”
Two of the guards grabbed me and physically carried me out into the corridor. I could hear the shipboard military again protesting my treatment as they escorted me off the ship. At the end of the access way the guards tossed me, literally, into a security transport. I slammed into the transports interior wall, hearing my shoulder pop. I braced myself, this was not going to be fun.
My experience with station security was not memorable. It was dehumanizing and very embarrassing. I was scanned, stripped and searched. Not with a female guard and not gently either. I think my jailers got off on it. They threw a very thin shirt and a pair of shorts at me.
Once dressed I was dragged into a cell and dumped in the middle of the room. The cell was similar to the shipboard one, only not. Just an empty room with a bucket. Delightful. I sat in the corner and tried not to cry.
“Hey, there's no crying in baseball!”
“Wilson, not now. This is really serious. I think these people intend to kill me.”
“Athena, I transmitted video records of everything. What was done to you is NOT procedure. Higher authorities have been informed; I made sure of it.”
When I was younger my father trained me in several of the martial art forms. Everyone in my family was. It was a tradition.
Tai Chi and the meditation that came with it was what has been the most useful to me through the years. It has helped me to stay sane. I sat in the corner of the cell, positioning myself so I could see the door. I meditated while resting.
Soon the door to my cell opened. “Shower time!” yelled the guard.
He then sprayed me with a large high pressure fire hose. The freezing cold water chilled me to the bone. The pressure pounding on my already sore body until I was left, in my now wet clothing lying in a puddle on the floor. That night I did not sleep at all. Prisoner interrogation techniques and torture was used against me. I was almost drowned several times when they water boarded me. The absolute worst was what they called the ‘confinement’. My hands were handcuffed to steel rod that was also attached to my feet. I was unable to sit, walk, or use the ‘bucket’ for hours at a time. It was sheer hell.
Loud noise was piped into my cell eve
ry few hours to prevent me from sleeping.
Food was withheld. I ate only the barest of rations. Starvation rations that are reserved for survival packs. The guards performed bed checks every hour on the hour. Sexual threats and much innuendo was made by the guards to me.
Just sheer and utter torture of both the mind and the body.
On what I think was the third day of this ordeal, the guards place another person in my cell.