Child of Darkness (The Federal Witch Book 8) Read online
Page 2
“Fine. It was Madeline. It came from much higher than her, though. Think about it, Aggy. She had to do it,” Ana tried to explain.
My bracelets warmed up as Magick started channeling through them. I could see faint wisps of smoke trickling upwards from the desk. Looking down, I saw the fake wood veneer blackening and melting under my hands. Mentally I grabbed my Magick and quenched it. Like a firebrand hitting a bucket of water, I went from hot to cold in an instant. “Get me a line to Washington!”
“Agatha she won’t…” Ana trailed off when I sent her a glare that would scorch metal. “Fine.” She touched a button and waved at the phone in front of me.
Lifting the secure line receiver to my ear, I could hear it ring exactly twice before a sweet familiar voice answered. “Hello Agatha, long time.”
I blinked and cut my eyes towards Cat and Chuck. They both knew who was on the phone instantly. “Melissa. I need to speak to Director Mills.”
“No can do, Sparky. She told me to tell you that the order was there for a reason and to not blame the Vampire,” Melissa answered.
For just a moment I held my tongue. Melissa was one of the few human friends I had who wasn’t a team member or a classmate. She’d been my nemesis growing up at the Academy but was always straight with me. “Did she explain what’s been happening?”
Melissa laughed, “I know the basics. Things happen for reasons, Sparky. You should know that by now. If the Director didn’t mention something, it was for your own good. I’ll tell you the truth. Madeline and both Bs took off a couple of hours ago.”
“Where did they go?” I asked her.
“Like they’d tell me. Wherever they went, I’d say a prayer for them. They left heavy. There are rumors about the Bs that will curl your hair. They might be old, but they are scary,” Melissa explained.
“Thanks, Melissa.” I hung up the phone and glared at Anastasia. “I thought you were my friend.”
“I am. And because I am, I’m telling you to go to Charleston, South Carolina. It’s where those pictures were taken and where we have a team of FBI agents following her around as we speak. If she is the source of this invasion, then the Demon Lord won’t be very far away. Washington wants you and the team in place to prevent a third front from opening up,” Anastasia replied.
Still angry I grunted out my reply. “The mission?”
“Confront Camilla, find the Demon Lord, stop a possible invasion, and try to not destroy one the most historic cities in America,” Ana stated.
“No guarantees on that last one. Tell them to get better insurance. Drive or fly this time?” I asked.
“Both. I’ll be bringing the bus, since it’s mine after all, but you and the team will be picked up in Memphis by your old friends Captains Tom and Jack,” Ana explained.
As much as I needed to end this mess with Camilla. there were all the innocents involved. “Are you sure we wouldn’t be better in California?”
Ana shook her head. “No. Get moving. You’ve got a plane to catch.”
“I thought I was the one in charge here, woman!” I told her.
“Jack Dalton said the same thing to me once. Get moving sweetie and complete the mission. I’ll update you once you’re in the air,” Anastasia replied.
Thanking her, I rounded up the others. We kept our go bags for most emergencies under the bus. I sent Chuck to grab them and any equipment he thought we might need.
Before I climbed into our SUV, I peeked into my shirt pocket. Fergus had been really quiet since the briefing. Looking down, I could see him passed out asleep curled up like a kitten. I gave him a slight poke. “Wake up buddy. We’re flying out in a short while.”
“Unicorns don’t fly,” the sleepy Unicorn replied.
“This time they will. Aunt Camilla is still alive, and Demons have invaded. Guess who we get to stop first?” I asked.
Sleepily, Fergus looked up at me and spoke, “Take the Demons. Less smell and they at least don’t monologue all the time.”
He might be right, but it wasn’t my choice. Would Aunt Camilla try to kill me again? Did I even want to let her try? Those questions and more plagued me all the way to the airport.
“Madeline? Agatha and her team are on the way. I hope you know what you’re doing with this. They might not be strong enough to close whatever opens in Charleston,” Anastasia reported.
“They don’t have to stop it. If the Species Council is to act and help save humanity from the Demons, they need a nudge. Marcella will see the light when her chosen heir’s life’s in jeopardy. It’s the only play we have here Ana. You know that,” Director Mills informed her. She and the Bs were sitting among ammunition and other supplies on their way toward the Demon front. They had an appointment with a cult in Los Angeles.
“If you say so. This might sever any trust Marcella has for the Bureau when she finds out. Keep that in mind as well. An angry Agatha Blackmore could do more damage than the Demons. Take care of yourself, Director. Don’t let the Bs bully you too much.” Anastasia severed the connection. Looking out through the polarized bus windows she studied the rapidly sinking sun. This could doom the entire Magical Division.
Chapter 2
“Did you guys get a new plane?” I looked around the inside of the FBI’s special Learjet we were taking to Charleston. We’d been on it a couple of times since I took over the Division, but everything looked new today.
Cliff Murdoch, the plane’s steward, gave me a big hug. “Just a bit here and there. So good to see you Agatha!”
“What bits?” I asked. This wasn’t my plane but if there was one thing I’ve learned in this business it’s to ask questions and sadly, to not trust people.
Smiling, Cliff let go of me and looked up into my eyes. He counted off on his fingers, “Avionics, new veneer, new kitchen appliances, the interior’s been armored, and Tom says they attached hardpoints to the wings out there.”
At that I looked away from him and peered out the side windows to the wings. This was supposed to be a civilian aircraft but hardpoints meant weapons. “What sort…”
When I looked back Cliff was exchanging kisses with Cat. I shook my head. After our stint with the Jackson Pack, Cat was starting to think about Pack and mates. She was interacting with men a bit stronger than usual. A bit forcefully I asked again. “Cliff, what sort of weapons does this carry now?”
Cliff came up gasping for air after Cat laid a big one on him and he looked at me, startled. “Wha… What was that, Agatha?”
Chuck reached past Cat and tapped the smaller man on the shoulder. Cliff turned away from me and shook his hand and immediately engaged in conversation.
Throwing up my hands in frustration, I pushed past the small group forming by the front and down the short hallway to the cockpit. Both pilots were inside, reviewing charts and configuring the plane for takeoff. “Gentlemen.”
Both men looked over their shoulders at me and smiled.
“Agatha! Nice to have you and your team on board again. Is Cliff getting you settled?” Captain Tom Tuttle asked.
“Sort of. He mentioned all the upgrades to the plane. What sort of weapons does it carry now?” I asked.
Tom looked at his co-pilot Jack Chester. The glance between them meant something but I didn’t have seniority enough to ask them. Looking back at me Tom said, “Washington wanted us to be a bit more functional. The hardpoints are primarily for extended fuel tanks and other functionality. Our hull was modified for future experimentation, but you would have to ask the central committee as to what that is. Sorry, Agatha.”
I waved my hand. “It’s fine. With all the Demon incursions I wanted to know the sort of weapons at hand. Not an issue, guys. Hauled anyone important lately?”
The two men broke out in conversation, talking about some of the other FBI teams as well as a group of OSS guys that stayed completely silent the whole trip. The entire time listening, I ran over what I knew about aircraft weapons. Arming this plane was both
interesting and suspicious. We often worked in close proximity with the Army Air Corps and they had much fancier planes than this one. But I did know that Hollywood techs had used a Lear 35 to shoot that big Navy airplane movie a few years ago. Only the Lear could keep up with those Miramar guys during shooting. More things to ponder. As the story wound down I smiled and nodded toward their controls, “I’ll leave you to it then. Come and say hi to the team later.”
They were hiding something, but it could be anything and really none of my business anyway. Stepping back into the main cabin I watched Cliff greet Blake, our newbie.
“Hello, I haven’t met you yet.” Cliff held out his hand.
Smiling, Blake shook the offered hand. As he gripped the airplane steward’s hand he felt the man’s fingers trace a pattern on his palm. Frozen for a split second the agent slipped his thumb over the top of Cliff’s. “Agent George Blake. I joined the team a couple of weeks ago. Nice to meet you.”
“We heard about Agent Maxwell’s death. So sad, he was a great man. Did you know him?” Cliff asked.
Blake shook his head, “Only by name. I’ve been out on the West Coast since the Academy.”
Cliff winced. “If you were still there you might be fighting Demons. Such hard times for our country these days...”
“...but we must persevere if man is to overcome that which beats us down. It’s been nice meeting you Cliff,” Blake replied, finishing the man’s sentence.
“Let me know if we can be of service, Agent Blake. There are several brochures in the rear section that explain what we do in the Support Service if you’re interested,” Cliff replied.
“I’ll check them out, thanks.” Blake saw Agatha coming back from the cockpit and quickly took his seat.
Murdoch smiled at the pretty FBI Agent as he secured the door, carefully locking it.
My team skipped the row seating and were all buckled in around the table in what they called the conference section of the aircraft. Carefully I removed the sling bag over my shoulder and set it down next to my chair.
“Should I put that up for you, Agent?” Cliff asked, pointing upward.
I looked at the storage compartment and frowned, “Good Gods no! The last time we put him up there I never heard the end of it. I’ll just keep him here on my lap. Safer for me and much safer for you. He’s gotten much better with that horn of his.”
Cliff had been reaching for the bag when he heard my protest and realized who must be in the bag, “Oh dear. Last time he threw up all over the kitchen. Is he locked up in there?”
Cat, sitting across from me, muttered, “If only.”
I shot my best friend a glance that spoke so much and replied to the steward. “Not really, but I’ll keep him secured until we’re in the air. He’s mellowed out a bit lately.”
Cliff turned away as I heard three separate snorts from the table around me. Raising a single finger, I waved it to the air behind me, “Nobody teases the Witch.”
With chuckles all around we braced ourselves for takeoff. As usual, Captain Tom’s takeoff was just as smooth as I remembered his landings. Swiveling my seat around, I got the team’s attention.
“Does everyone understand what we have to do?” I asked.
“Kill the Witch and save the world?” Chuck replied.
It was my turn to snort. “Better than saving a cheerleader. Seriously though, what we have to do is find my aunt and prevent her from opening another portal. If she is the one who’s done all of this, it has to be for a reason. The last time we fought all she wanted was control of Briarwood. This seems a bit bigger now.”
“From what Ana said I believe it. So, Demons. What do we need to know? I sort of remember you explaining things our second year at the Academy,” Cat said.
Sighing, I pinched the bridge of my nose close to the eyes. It helped relieve sinus pressure and gave me a moment to gather my thoughts. “My grandmother and I had a long conversation about Demons after I left the Academy. She wasn’t pleased that we were allowed to go after the one that the cult raised. We got lucky. That was then and this is now. So I know we’ve discussed this before but Blake is new to the team and wasn’t here the last time we talked about it. What’s the difference between gates and portals?”
Chuck leaned back in his chair and waved his hand at me. I glanced in his direction but ignored him for now. “Blake, did they cover that at your Academy?”
Blake looked startled for a moment, but he recovered quickly. “Uh, aren’t they the same thing? The regular Academy doesn’t really discuss the supernatural. There are a couple of advanced classes on Paranormals but I never took them.”
I smiled. “So being assigned to the Sea Scouts must have come as a bit of a shock then. The Mer take some getting used to.”
“Yeah they do. Why do they insist upon being naked all the time?” Blake complained.
Chuck started laughing but covered his mouth. It didn’t help; we could still hear him. I shot him a look that quieted him down, some.
“Giggles over there dated at least two of the sisters, so talk to him about their proclivities. Clothing interferes with their movement and speed. At least that is what I was told about them. There are some new wetsuits the Navy is trying out that might work for them. The Tritons are true assets in the water,” I replied.
“I know we sort of thrust you right into the last case and didn’t explain. And for that I do apologize. This case isn’t much better. My aunt and I have a very long history. Much of it is documented and we have copies of most of the files in the database.” I smiled and paused for a moment. Thinking of Camilla always made me second guess myself. “What you see around you is but one of the many planes of existence. There are other worlds, planets if you like, that exist on both our plane and others. The planes are like pages in a book. Each one is different but still a part of the whole. The Universe is the same, but the planes are different shades of the whole. Places like Hell, Valhalla, the Summerlands, Tir na Nog, Shangri la, and others are separate universes or planets. A Portal is a fixed Magickal device that allows travel between the planes. Gates are temporary portals. They are usually used for very short amounts of time.”
“Hell is real?” Blake asked.
“Of course, it’s where Demons come from. Is it the same hell that certain religions speak of? That I don’t know. But the Demons that live there can take your soul and will consume your body as a snack. Their ability to even touch your soul isn’t exclusive just to them. There are other more frightening creatures than Demons,” I explained.
“Is Heaven real as well?” Blake asked again.
I smiled. “Maybe? I know that Angels exist. My grandmother has a tome that covers their history and names, but I’ve never seen one myself. But it might not the same spiritual retreat that many of the world’s religions discuss.”
“The invasion in California, is that coming from the Portal there?” Chuck asked.
I gave my old friend a wink as thanks for getting us back on track. “It is. The ‘Hole’ is what most people call the portal out West. It opened in 1945, spewing forth an invasion force of thousands. They consumed much of Southern California and our military stopped them. It took more than five years, but they stopped them. Human Mages working in conjunction with the Witches Council blocked the Portal from this end, cutting off the Demon’s supply of new fighters. It was the last time that any Witch kin helped the Government officially until I joined the FBI. Notice I say blocked. They were unable to close the Portal back then. Now it’s open again and we aren’t ready.”
Blake grunted. Leaning forward in his seat, he looked at me. “How would we close a Portal? And why didn’t they do it in the 1950s?”
“That particular Portal isn’t just the hole. The Magickal part is several hundred feet below the surface. Not having seen it I can only guess at the way it is set up. For permanence, they would have carved the symbols into the very stone to hold it in place. As to why t
hey didn’t destroy the Portal, I’m not sure you can. The symbols need to be completely obliterated and short of a nuclear blast we can’t do that. There are other Portals in existence throughout the world as well. Some are highly accessible and others are not,” I replied.
“Agatha, I know there’s one in your grandmother’s garden, but where else in the world?” Cat asked.
I thought for a moment, “Stonehenge is one of the larger ones, as is the one at Tintagel castle. But that one opens to only a pocket universe at this time. There are supposed to be several in the East and some doorways scattered around as well.”
“Doorways?” Blake asked.
“Doors to other realms. The American Witches Council is rumored to have several. Those are easily blocked from one side or the other. Much like that TV show you once showed me with the ring. Things come hurtling toward the door and it suddenly shuts. Instant mush on the other side. Always look twice before crossing over, that’s a very important safety tip if you use one.” I held up the small packet of briefing information from Anastasia. “According to this, what the team in Sicily found was a gate. A more powerful one than I can cast, but a gate all the same. If we were to do a search of that monastery complex I’m sure we would find at least one door, possibly more. How else were the Strega able to spirit Camilla away from Briarwood so quickly? If we get a chance, I intend to pick the Arcane team’s brain on that subject. Rogue Portals are nothing but trouble.”
Blake made a few notes on his pad then asked another question. “So doorways could be anywhere? Where would we find them if we were looking?”
Alarms went off inside my head, but I cocked my head as if in thought and looked at our newest Agent. Both bracelets flared just a moment. The instant surge of power made me jump. “There aren’t very many on this continent. Most are found in ancient ruins and spiritual holy places. Those that came before us had special guardians that watched over the gates. It was their job to protect the world from those who would destroy it.”
“Something like that you would think was a good idea to keep around,” Chuck replied.